Eva Rietdijk


Fields of practice
  • Commercial Contracts
  • Franchise

Eva joined LXA's Commercial Contracts team in 2021.

She attended both the bachelor of law and the master of private law, with the specialization Commercial Property Law, at Utrecht University. During her bachelor she participated in the Utrecht Law College honor program and studied one semester at Lund University in Sweden. She wrote her master's thesis on the goodwill compensation laid down in the then proposed franchise law.

Eva is a member of the Association for Distribution Franchise and Agency Law (Vereniging DFA).

Eva's recent activities
  • Drafting and reviewing international distribution agreements, including for a producer of insect repellent products, a producer of outdoor products and a producer of   cookies.
  • Drafting various terms and conditions of sale, including for manufacturers of foggers and granola.
  • Advising a museum on the renewal of a cooperation agreement with its in-house caterer.
  • Drafting various franchise agreements, including for a multi-sport program.
  • Advising various franchise formulas in connection with the introduction of the Franchise Act, including formulas for veterinarians and informal care for the elderly.
  • Conducting litigation regarding various post-termination fees in an agency agreement.

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