Eva Bakker


Fields of practice
  • Public & Real Estate
  • General administrative law
  • Environmental Law
  • Project development
  • Commercial lease law

Eva has registered the following principal legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister):

  • Real Estate Law and Environmental Law 

Based on this registration, she is required to obtain ten training credits per calender year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.

Eva Bakker joined LXA Attorneys Government and Real Estate team in 's-Hertogenbosch in October 2020. Eva was sworn in as a lawyer in February 2019. Before joining LXA, she gained experience and expertise at a renowned international law firm in Amsterdam.

Eva works in various areas of administrative law and civil real estate, with emphases on supervision & enforcement, environmental law and tenancy disputes. She is also a regular lecturer at Pont Academy and teaches courses on the Environment Act and the environmental permit.

Eva's recent activities
  • Advising and conducting proceedings on environmental permits in all areas (Wabo)
  • Advising on the permit requirement of the technical construction activity and the environmental plan activity
  • Advising on consents and permits under the Nature Conservation Act (especially on nitrogen)
  • Advising on and conducting proceedings regarding various tenancy law disputes
  • Advising on and conducting proceedings regarding the Fixed Charges Allowance (TVL), including by means of the TVL Quick Scan


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